Page name: keep the doctor away! [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-04-30 21:59:55
Last author: Linderel
Owner: Linderel
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Writing a piece a day... will

keep the doctor away!

At least I hope so. Traditionally, it would be apples, but due to stupid allergies I can't eat those without them being mauled within an inch of their lives, no wait, make that completely abused, beat up, and very dead - unless I want to get a reaction, which I don't, thankyouverymuch - so I'll have to make do with this. And hope that the same basic principle applies. And for your infromation, I really like apples. I sometimes eat them regardless of the fact that I shouldn't.
Another reason for naming the wiki in such a fashion is that my writing can be a bit disturbing sometimes, or depressing, at the very least, so you may or may not get the urge to call some people in white coats to fetch me. However, I would kindly ask you to keep from doing that until I'm done. Can't very well write if I'm locked in a padded cell somewhere and wearing a straitjacket, now can I?

But I digress.

So. The purpose of this wiki here is to keep track of how I fare with the challenge I took upon myself, quite of my own volition, because I am crazy like that. I'm supposed to write at least one piece - be it a poem, a description, or a short story - each day during the month of April. I'll gladly receive any prompts you may have. I haven't figured out what the penalty will be if I don't succeed, but I guess I'll treat myself to sushi if I do. Or something.

Let's get on with it, then. Feedback is greatly appreciated.

<img:stuff/linsmallapple.gif> Day One:
· Look at the Daily Poem slot!
· An acrostic poem.

<img:stuff/linsmallapple.gif> Day Two:
· A vignette.

<img:stuff/linsmallapple.gif> Day Three:
· Updated my LiveJournal (yes, it counts!).
· A haiku.

<img:stuff/linsmallapple.gif> Day Four:
· A contest entry for WritersCo.

<img:stuff/linsmallapple.gif> Day Five:
· A short story, probably still in need of editing.
· An acrostic haiku (yay!).

<img:stuff/linsmallapple.gif> Day Six:
· A poem.

<img:stuff/linsmallapple.gif> Day Seven:
· An acrostic poem (yeah, I've rather taken a liking to those).
· Started a weird-ass short story which you will never see. Unless you ask really nicely.

<img:stuff/linsmallapple.gif> Day Eight:
· A small snippet from the point of view of Agony, my poor neglected vampire character.

<img:stuff/linsmallapple.gif> Day Nine:
· An angsty snippet that is ultimately very random. (Thanks to Vorkje for some much-needed inspiration!)

<img:stuff/linsmallapple.gif> Day Ten:
· A very (very, very, veeeeeery) crappy poem. Please don't read it.

<img:stuff/linsmallapple.gif> Day Eleven:
· Another, improved version of the short story started on day seven.

<img:stuff/linsmallapple.gif> Day Twelve:
· A rant that will probably never be seen by anyone. Unless asked really, really nicely and sworn by pain of death it will not be discussed with anyone but me. Though I probably won't show it anyway if you're not very close with me.
· Started a short story that will (hopefully) be finished tomorrow.

<img:stuff/linsmallapple.gif> Day Thirteen:
· A sucky, nonsensical little snippet. No finished short story, I'm afraid.

<img:stuff/linsmallapple.gif> Day Fourteen:
· Finished the short story started on day twelve.
· Yet another haiku.

<img:stuff/linsmallapple.gif> Day Fifteen:
· A poem, an Elegy if you will.
· Another WritersCo contest entry (for the same contest, even).

<img:stuff/linsmallapple.gif> Day Sixteen:
· Three haikus, of which two might actually be sensible to call senryus.

<img:stuff/linsmallapple.gif> Day Seventeen:
· We are busy being fondled by the loverboy, but have yet another haiku!

<img:stuff/linsmallapple.gif> Day Eighteen:
· Penned down a silly-ish contest idea.

<img:stuff/linsmallapple.gif> Day Nineteen:
· An acrostic poem for a WritersCo contest. Kind of crappy.

<img:stuff/linsmallapple.gif> Day Twenty:
· Feeling quite odd and not really well, so asked for prompt words and produced a poem. For the record, only three of five words were used.

<img:stuff/linsmallapple.gif> Day Twenty-One:
· Wrote a drabble for a contest on WritersCo. Damn it was hard...

<img:stuff/linsmallapple.gif> Day Twenty-Two:
· Take a guess. Yes, it's another haiku.

<img:stuff/linsmallapple.gif> Day Twenty-Three:
· A haiku! But I'll write a story around it, too.
· Short horror(ish) story.

<img:stuff/linsmallapple.gif> Day Twenty-Four:
· Very short snippet that is... incredibly depressive, probably.

<img:stuff/linsmallapple.gif> Day Twenty-Five:
· Continued the snippet series that began with the one yesterday. I may be too fond of irony: I named the series "Happy House".

<img:stuff/linsmallapple.gif> Day Twenty-Six:
· The next installment of "Happy House". Living room on the first floor.

<img:stuff/linsmallapple.gif> Day Twenty-Seven:
· More of "Happy House", that is, part two of floor three.

<img:stuff/linsmallapple.gif> Day Twenty-Eight:
· Three senryus forming a whole for a WritersCo contest.

<img:stuff/linsmallapple.gif> Day Twenty-Nine:
· A random snippet that is hopefully not the utter rubbish I think it is.

<img:stuff/linsmallapple.gif> Day Thirty:
· A limerick for a contest on WritersCo.
· Short story for another contest. Probably sucks monkey balls.

click me!


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2007-03-31 [Jitter]: w00t! *first comment dance*

2007-03-31 [Linderel]: *boogies*

2007-03-31 [Elegy - gone]: I never eat apples. I plan to marry a wealthy doctor, so having an apple-induced, doctor-hating force field around me just won't do.

2007-03-31 [Linderel]: Aww. :D
You do plan on marrying Dr. House, or a real-life clone of him at the very least, don't you? :3

2007-03-31 [Elegy - gone]: ... darn, you know me too well >.<

2007-03-31 [sequeena_rae]: Nooo...Bring me the doctor!!

2007-03-31 [Elegy - gone]: Who? (Pun intended >.>)

2007-03-31 [Linderel]: Hahaha. xD

2007-03-31 [sequeena_rae]: Him too, but I really do mean a doctor xDD

2007-03-31 [Elegy - gone]: Well, I don't really have one available at the moment, left my pocket-size one at home, sorry =/

2007-03-31 [sequeena_rae]: Damn :( Nevermind xP

2007-04-01 [Linderel]: *points at the apple* Click it! :P

2007-04-01 [Sherya]: <insert comment> Because I couldn't think of anything smart to say :P

2007-04-01 [Linderel]: Haha. :P

2007-04-03 [BlackDragon]: Wow.. You're are really good at writing Linderel! I'll look forward to read more.. I believe you will be posting something you have written every day? =)

2007-04-03 [Linderel]: Click the apple. ;)

2007-04-03 [BlackDragon]: I have, that is how I read Wallflower ;)
Who can resist something saying 'click me'... =P

2007-04-03 [Linderel]: *giggle* Indeed.
Anyways, yeah, I'll be posting what I write on that page each day, or at least give a link. :3

2007-04-03 [BlackDragon]: Sounds great! =D

2007-04-03 [Sherya]: Ah, yesh, so we'll just keep on waiting :3

2007-04-03 [Linderel]: Don't worry, you'll have something to read every day. I did post yesterday and the day before that, too. ;3

2007-04-03 [The Red Baron]: The doctor is in. I urge you all not to support Non-Lamos' page, as if her plan goes as she wishes, I will be out of a job and therefore will have to stalk her.

2007-04-03 [Linderel]: *ties and gags* Shush you.

2007-04-03 [The Red Baron]: But they're saying that they like doctors and I'm a doctor!

2007-04-03 [Linderel]: That's still no reason to try to discourage me, you fiend!

2007-04-03 [The Red Baron]: But you want to make me unemployed! How will I feed my family?

2007-04-03 [Linderel]: I just want to keep the doctor away from me. That does not equal making you unemployed. Besides, it's just for this month. ;)
And you could eat apples, too.

2007-04-03 [sequeena_rae]: The wallflower was freaky, but brilliant!

2007-04-03 [Linderel]: Thankies! ^_^ *bows*

2007-04-03 [The Red Baron]: We are fed up of eating apples in Lebanon. So, who likes doctors?

2007-04-03 [The Red Baron]: Non-Lamos is a jerk! She won't let me work! And I hate her every perk!

2007-04-03 [Linderel]: Take your jokes somewhere else, Herr Doctor. I take my writing very personally, and I don't care if you're being silly.

2007-04-03 [The Red Baron]: As do I.

2007-04-03 [Linderel]: So you should understand.
"I urge you all not to support Non-Lamos' page" <- this was something very close to an insult, and I nearly took it as such.

2007-04-03 [The Red Baron]: You know that I was not insulting you, Non-Lamos. I still like you.

2007-04-03 [Linderel]: In my perception, it was. I take my writing wikis very, very, very personally. ;)
Anyway. Byegones.
Though being called Non-Lamos tends to annoy me. I'd rather be defined by something that I am than by something I'm not.

2007-04-03 [The Red Baron]: Point taken. I'll be in Minas Morgul if anyone has need of me.

2007-04-08 [Linderel]: I was away from ET, but have not been lazy! :O
Well, not entirely, anyway. :P

2007-04-22 [Jitter]: Yay for haikus :D

2007-04-22 [Linderel]: Short, easy, and quite lovely. :3

2007-04-22 [Jitter]: easy? I still find it difficultn to keep into the syllable limit ^^;

2007-04-22 [Linderel]: I've got a grasp of that pretty nicely. :3
If a word doesn't fit, I can try to use a synonym, or something. And tells you the amount of syllables there are in the word you want to use, so you can check. ^_^

2007-04-23 [Jitter]: Yeah or use Thesaurus or something :3 I think I might as well give it ago again sometime :)

2007-04-25 [sequeena_rae]: I love the Thesaurus, seriously, I read it >.>

2007-04-25 [Jitter]: me too xD <3

2007-04-30 [Jitter]: Oh my god you made it ^_________^

2007-04-30 [Linderel]: I did. :O I did! :D
Heeeee. ^______^
It's just weird that I don't feel like I've achieved much. :S

2007-04-30 [Jitter]: But you kept a promise which is a big deal on itself ^^

2007-04-30 [Linderel]: I guess so. :3

2007-04-30 [Jitter]: I feel happy whenever I finish something anyway whether it is a doodle or a painting I don't mind. SO be happy ^^

2007-04-30 [sequeena_rae]: Very well done Lami :3

2007-04-30 [Linderel]: ^______^ Thanks. :3

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